Saturday, October 12, 2013

"He Hath Set His Love Upon Me"

..........All that the Lord Jesus is in himself; all that he has done;
all that he does at the present; and all that he has promised to
do for his people, deserves the warmest admiration.  This holy
feeling is experienced in the breast of the man to whom the Lord
can say, “He hath set his love upon me”..........I may go to the
palace of the greatest monarch in the world, and be deeply
struck with astonishment and admiration at the wonder beheld,
but there will not be one thrill of complacency felt in my bosom
at the view of the astonishing objects which crowd upon my vision.
Why?  Because I neither have, nor can have any interest in them;
they are not mine, nor ever can be; therefore, I cannot take
complacent delight in them.  But the love of the Christian is a
delightful love, (as Mr. Baxter called it,) because there is in the
Lord everything that is worthy of infinite and eternal admiration; and
then there is the thought which produces a thrill of pleasure, whatever
I admire I can, in some measure, possess.  The illuminated eye of
God’s favourite sees everything in the Lord to supply his necessities;
everything to satisfy his desires, all his own; which makes the soul
delight itself in the Lord, and he rests in his love. Therefore, the
Lord says of the object of his lovingkindness, “He hath set his love
upon me”--he hath renounced sin as the greatest abomination; he
hath taken off the heart from all idolatrous attachment to the creature,
and placed it fixedly supremely upon God.
                                                                       William Dawson

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